Introduction of the Acrylamide Toxicity

1. The introduction to the acrylamide

Acrylamide belongs to the moderately toxic type. It has a certain irritating effect on the eyes and skin. It is one of the types of compounds in organic chemistry. It can be absorbed through the skin, respiratory tract and digestive tract. It has an accumulation effect in the body and mainly affects the nervous system. Acute poisoning because of it is very rare. Subacute poisoning can occur in close and large-scale contact with it, and the poisoned person is characterized by lethargy, cerebellar dysfunction, and sensorimotor multiple peripheral neuropathy. Long-term and low-concentration exposure can cause chronic poisoning. The poisoned person may experience headache, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, finger tingling, numbness, redness of the palms, desquamation, and sweating of the palms and feet. With further development, limb weakness, muscle pain, and cerebellar dysfunction may occur.

2. Acrylamide toxicity

The most concerning chronic effect of acrylamide toxicity is its carcinogenicity. Acrylamide uses include mutagenic effects and can cause genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities in mammalian somatic cells and germ cells. Thanks to animal experiments, we have found that acrylamide chemical can cause tumors in many organs of rats, such as breast, thyroid, testis, adrenal gland, central nervous system, oral cavity, uterus, and pituitary gland tumors. However, there is no sufficient population epidemiological evidence to show that the food intake of acrylamide is significantly related to the occurrence of certain human tumors. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has evaluated its carcinogenicity and classified acrylamide as a category 2 carcinogen (2A), which is a possible human carcinogen. The main reason is that acrylamide can be metabolized into carcinogenic active metabolite glycidamide in both animals and humans.

All above is about the introduction of the acrylamide toxicity.

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