CAS No.: 78-93-3
HS code: 29141200
Appearance: Colorless Transparent liquid
Application: Coating/Adhesive/PU coating/MEKO/Ink
MEK is a kind of colorless transparent liquid. HS code for MEK is 29141200.
CAS No.: 108-10-1
HS code: 2914130000
Appearance: Colorless Transparent liquid
Methyl isobutyl ketone is an organic compound with the chemical formula C6H12O. HS code for MIBK is 2914130000
CAS No.: 67-64-1
HS code: 2914 11 00
Appearance: colorless volatile and flammable liquid
Acetone is the basic organic raw material and low boiling point solvent. It is a colorless volatile and flammable liquid with slight aroma.
CAS No.: 123-86-4
HS code: 29153300
Appearance: colorless transparent liquid
N-butyl acetate, referred to as butyl acetate, is an organic compound, chemical formula CH3COO(CH2)3CH3.
CAS No.: 108-94-1
HS code: 2914 22 00
Appearance: colorless oil liquid
Cyclohexanone is the organic compound with the formula (CH2)5CO.HS CODE for is Cyclohexanone 2914220000
CAS No.: 68-12-2
HS code: 2924 19 00
Appearance: colorless and transparent liquid
N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) is colorless and transparent liquid. HS code for DMF is 2924191000.
CAS No.: 141-78-6
HS code: 29153100
Appearance: clear and colorless liquid
Ethyl Acetate, also know as acetic ester, is an organic compound with the chemical formula C4H8O2. HS CODE: 29153100
CAS No.: 67-63-0
HS code: 2905 12 20
Appearance: liquid
Isopropyl alcohol, or 2-propanol, is sold as rubbing alcohol in many supermarkets and drugstores.HS code for IPA is 2905122000.
CAS No.: 57-55-6
HS code: 290532
Appearance: viscous, colorless liquid
Propylene glycol is a viscous, colorless liquid, which is nearly odorless but possesses a faintly sweet taste.
CAS No.: 109-99-9
HS code: 29321100
Appearance: clear, colorless liquid
Tetrahydrofuran is a heterocyclic organic compound. HS code for THF is 29321100
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